Understand & review merge requests fast with Codelantis

There is a better way to do code reviews:
Efficient, fast, and fun.

Works with gitlab github

As fast as you.

Code reviews in your browser. As quick and powerful as in your IDE.

Super simple integration
Codelantis is an alternative UI for
that is optimized for reviewing code. Your review comments are posted back to the platform using the respective API.
Full context, always
Always see the full files for all diffs. No more endless scrolling through a confusing waterfall of code fragments.
Focus on what's important
Nobody needs generated files in their review list. Need to search through you changes? No problem! And much more…
Reverts made simple
Realized that you didn't need to change that file after all? Simply revert it from Codelantis, as easy as pie.

Questions? Look no further.

Does Codelantis store my source code?


Where are review data stored?


Can I use Codelantis by myself, independent from my dev team?


Can I host Codelantis myself (on-premise)?


Does Codelantis work with self-hosted GitHub/GitLab instances?


Which code platforms does Codelantis support?


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Code Reviews, but enjoyable?

Don't drown in endless diffs - there is a better way to do code reviews.
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